Monday, 27 May 2013


What inspires you? What gets the blood in your veins pumping (bar your heart beating)?
My little girls inspire me.
Miss 2.5 is full of energy and creativity and cheeky boundary pushing character. She loves noise and any activity that involves dancing and music. She asks to do "paintin' and "swing". She loves to get mummy's cleaning products when mummy has her back turned, sneak off to one of the rooms and let loose spraying and wiping to her hearts content. She pushes her gorgeous and well loved retro couch up to the sink where she turns on the tap and "washing" (washes dishes). The best of all, she dotes on her little sister, playing chasing (with a child who is only JUST walking) and giving her cups of tea.
Miss 1, is timid, loving, playful and curious. Loud noises startle her and upset her, yet she will happily join in on the dancing as long as it is a song she likes. She follows Miss 2.5 around hoping that at some point Miss 2.5 will play a game with her. As soon as the sliding door is open she makes a run for it, just to get outside in the sunshine. She picks a toy and spends the entire day walking around with it or playing with it. Whenever she hears Peppa Pig theme or In The Night Garden theme she zones out and if she could run she makes a beeline for the tv.
Obviously, I think that both my girls are very pretty little girls. They are both slim and tall for their ages with petite features. They already display very different personalities and traits. Miss 2.5 is my "mini adult", who has NO fear (that is going to cause a few sleepless nights) whereas Miss 1 is timid and loves company and being close by. In every way I love them both, so very much and I love their differences.
It is because of my two darlings, that I really found a love for sewing, knitting and all things pretty. I always liked (and could) sew, knitting I had very little patience for and making pretty things became a new fascination for me. I found when I had children that the thing that I craved the most was having my own home. Something that I could decorate myself. Make my home and make a home for the children.
That is what drives me, not only to do my furniture upcycling but also my sewing and knitting (I'm not up to yarn bombing anything just yet, I would need to be much quicker knitter than I am right now).
Being a lovely sunny Tuesday and reflecting on the things that inspire me, I am going to share some of these with you. I hope that some of you find inspiration in the prettiness of life.

I really want to credit relevant people for their pictures but the images are so old (well at least 12 months) that I cannot find where they link back to. Enjoy these images and if anyone can pin point where they come from please let me know so that I can attribute credit where credit is due...
Have a beautiful Tuesday all...
Keep smiling!