Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Darling Desks

With the prospect of purhasing my own home (hopefully the last of 3 times), I have been researching as trawling through magazines and websites gathering inspiration for my own home. Although I have LOTS of saved photos and ideas I am yet to complete my inspiration board. I do however walk around with paint swatches in my Louis, to help ensure that I keep the same colour scheme... there are so many different blues out there.

Having moved to the sunshine I knew that I wanted a Coastal/Hamptons theme, but clearly with my own style. I made the decision that I wasnt going to pick one furniture store and use them to kit out my house. No, I was going to take my time and pick things that I love. Sadly, most of the things I love are vintage (no not antique) and from the era that my mother grew up. I secretly think she is mortified that I like things that she grew up with. She's too kind to say as such though. Although I had already purchased two items (kitchen buffet and dresser), it was the desk that was my first transformation.

B and I were driving through the Sunshine Coast when we spotted a perfectly good desk sitting on the side of the road (yes I said it, it was in the curb). We checked with the neighbours and people curiously appearing on the footpath where we had pulled up and we were assured that it just appeared and that we could take it. Sweet!

When I got it home it was looking well loved. I raced to B's toolbox and grabbed his sander (my new best friend) and we (yes he helped in the beginning) sanded the desk back to the timber. As you can see in the picture, it really was a beautiful stable desk.

I decided (after using someones advice) thank you google, to spray the desk with an undercoat. It gave me a much smoother finish (rather than big clumpy brushstrokes). As soon as the undercoat was dry, I used some fine sandpaper to get rid of the rough texture, ensuring that the table top was smooth. I then pulled out the Taubmans paint (Dulux Antique White USA), I know, I know... and I got painting. Being that the weather is warmer here than I am used to it didnt take long between coats. I used a waterbased Acrylic so when the paint became thick as it was drying I dipped the brush into some water and evened the paint out.

So here is my final masterpiece...

All set up and ready to use. Now although I want a cute wooden vintage chair to sit in front of this desk at this stage I am using the good old computer chair that somehow made it here in the move. It does the job for now but I am sure that I will be posting about some chair makeover in the future.
I am going to leave you now with some of my favourite picture of desk makeovers (yes I spent THAT much time looking).

Although at the moment my desk is purely for the purpose of holding my computer etc, I have big future plans for this baby. I LOVE my desktop but I find the fact that it takes up so much space distracting. SO, keep your eye on this space and see what I am up to next. Also, if you have a chance slip into your nearest Newsagent and grab this months Better Homes and Gardens Magazine. It has the most gorgeous renovated writing bureau (a girl can dream).
Keep smiling

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Rain, Rain

So here I am (yet again) tucked up in bed, with my cup of tea, listening to the howling of the wind as it gushes between our house and the neighbours. It has been raining for 2 days now and Miss .75 and Miss 2 have been going, what can only be described as stir crazy. We were able to brave the rain Friday and Saturday but considering it was horizontal today I thought it best to avoid our daily walk. Mother Nature really does have a mind of her own doesn't she? Last week I was wondering how I was going to survive the remainder of the summer in a house with no air con or ceiling fans and today  I am wanting that gorgeous sun? Go figure.

It really has been a busy few days and although we were planning a little vacation away, a little accident on Thursday night, lack of sleep and predicted (and subsequent) bad weather made us think twice. So we decided that it was best to rain check (excuse the pun). It has however been a good opportunity to catch up on housework, cooking and continued unpacking, things that before today we hadn't really been able to tackle. Plus give the two little ladies of the house a chance to spend some time at home with daddy. Something that for 6 months, they didn't have. B constantly reminds me that it is important to remember that we are our own little family unit and therefore we need to put ourselves first. Something that over the last five years we haven't really done. So maybe he is right and we need to take time for ourselves.

I channelled my inner Donna Hay today and made pumpkin scones (for B), Ma-Ma's Choc Chip Cookies (for Miss 2), steamed/mashed veggies with CousCous (for Miss .75) and Cinnamon and Apple Muffins (for me) all whilst making a Meatloaf for dinner. I felt very successful tonight. Mind you it did mean the the housework was delayed but hey it is not like there are housework fairies or like the housework is going to up and leave anytime soon... Bit like this wind.

It is getting late (for someone up at 5am- thank you Miss .75) and I am sure my precious angel will be up again same time tomorrow. Goodnight

Keep smiling


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Now and Then

Today I have been feeling very... reflective. Having JUST moved to sunny Queensland and leaving my family back in Tasmania, I have been busy upcycling furniture, sanding and painting. Whilst this keeps my overactive mind busy it also gives me "down" time. Time to just think. Yesterday I had a mini (major) meltdown over the beautiful vintage buffet I am doing up and then realised later in the evening that it was not really the cupboard I was having a meltdown about.

I am very fortunate to have two amazing parents and two phenomenal sisters and a small handful of inspiring friends. I have brilliant relationships with all of them and particularly with my parents. For reasons that I wont discuss here, I needed to live with my parents in Tasmania for 9 months. I had packed up my family home, shipped it to Queensland and gone home to have my beautiful Miss .75 so that I had some help with Miss 2 as I became more like I had swallowed a watermelon. This was an amazing time for all of us, meaning that when it came time to leave all people involved were heartbroken. I cried on and off the whole 9 hour boat ride across the Bass Strait and then I put on my big girl panties and dealt with it as Mrs B would put it. ;-) Now I am 3 weeks into living in Queensland and yesterday it hit me. Like a semi trailer hitting a concrete guard rail.

So, today I have spent the day reflecting on the frienships I have (whilst still painting this buffet), I realised that although over the years I have not picked the best of people to have as friends (I have decided I dont have a b-shit meter), along the way I have found a select few that have been those girlfriends who no matter what make you smile and laugh.

I am very fortunate that I have friends that always have my back. Who reflect the truth. Who remind me why I am so lucky to have them in my life. The ladies who always inspire me to be a more assertive person and not to take people's b-s.

As you can see I  have FINALLY figured out the adding pictures element of my blog and I cannot wait to show you all my little projects. NOT long now my friends.

Keep smiling.


Sunday, 20 January 2013

6 years


It has been a busy 24 hours. I am curled up in bed, wish I could say with a good book and cup of tea, but sadly no. Instead I am curled up with a fashion magazine and water. Funny things, fashion magazines. I am not supermodel (wish I was) and I obviously am a mother of two under two and a half, but the fashion magazines are SO incredibly depressing. My days consist of cleaning, feeding, playing and if I get a chance restoring (or destroying) depending on how you look at it. I don't have time for mani pedi's, beauty treatment or haircut and I am sure even if I were to contemplate it, Miss 2.5 would have the worlds largest meltdown and ensure that I leave, flustered, embarrassed and wishing that I could split myself in two. One of me to stay at home with Miss .75 and one of me to enjoy the pampering.

I did spy a nail place (and beauty place) nearby that I am going to drag a gf to. I think she is in need of some pampering as well. Now to get the hubby's to watch kidlets.

SO, today is my 6 year wedding anniversary and B hasn't run away so I must be doing something right, especially seeing as I spent most of my day trying to complete the dining table (with very little success). Miss .75 has been waking up at 5. Not sure whether that is going to be a regular thing or its just being that she needs to settle in. The early starts do mean I drive B to work and get girls fed and sorted by 9 (which is fabulous). So with these early starts B and I took Miss .75 and miss 2.5 to the beach (Mooloolaba, Australia) and then out for breakfast. It has been a year since Miss 2 has swam in water and only her second time at the beach but despite lots of "no!" and "car mummy" I managed to get her out into the water (only took 40 mins). B and I decided to try out all of the restaurants along  the Mooloolaba strip to find out favourite. We went to another one today. Not as nice as some. Oh well. Next week is the bakery ;-)  B cooked Enchilada's (yet again- over ate)  now I am enjoying the pedestal fan blowing on my face.

On that note, although short and sweet (kinda) I am going to close the droopy eyes and get
Some much needed sleep.

Keep smiling!


Saturday, 19 January 2013



Ok. So I fell off my bandwagon before I really climbed on but I am trying (am sure my husband would agree that I am very "trying"). I have felt very successful the last few days. Although being relocated whilst they jackhammer through the floor to deal with a blocked pipe, definitely put a cork in my plans. BUT, I have successfully sanded back a coffee table, dining table and the pallet outdoor table. Now to paint etc etc. I cant wait to load the before's and after's. My pallet daybed is coming together ( I need to invest in some comfy cushions, the mattress is looking lonely).

I am working on adding photos (I have so many to share). I am not sure how to do it just yet but I am sure considering I didn't know how to do this and I managed fine (after hours of playing), that I will be able to master uploading photos. I have taken great pleasure in the www.fatmumslim.com.au challenge. I am finding that I am looking at things differently. More creatively. B (the better or worse half, depending on how you look at it) has joined the www.365project.com, which works in a similar way but you are given the responsibility to find inspiration of your own. He is really enjoying it. I like that Fat Mum Slim gives you that prompt and you are able to interpret any way you like. Sometimes rather than spend an entire day looking for something that makes you go "wow", being given some form of guidance helps.

Well the kidlets are sleeping peacfully (although they are probably hot) and I can feel my eyelids getting heavy, after two terrible nights sleep. So I bid you goodbye and will check in tomorrow (hopefully with some AMAZING pictures).

Keep smiling!


Tuesday, 15 January 2013


So here I am. Finally. Although there were a few technical hiccups, the fact that I had NO idea how to get this started didn't help, I am off and racing and just the eensiest bit excited about where this is headed. In the last month, I have not only enjoyed the chaos of Christmas and all the over indulging and merriment that, that entails but I have packed my worldly possessions (that I DIDN'T have in storage already) and done the 1900km drive and ferry trip from Tasmania to Queensland. So here I am 2 weeks and 13 unpacked boxes later. The weather is divine, although my two little babes have been hot, bothered and irritable. They are growing to get used to the weather (the pedestal fans help). I have undertaken a few DIY challenges (to decorate my home), the www.fatmumslim.com.au photo a day challenge, which I plan to upload here for your viewing pleasure also and the biggest challenge of all. Finding my dream home up here on the Sunshine Coast.

Keep smiling
