Oh my goodness!!!! I have just had one of those explosive moments. You know the ones. Where every cell in your body gets suddenly VERY hot, your blood pressure just shot through the roof and your stomach knots up like a prezel. It takes every ounce of your being not to totally lose your s***.
As you all know, I have two beautiful girls and am 11 weeks away from having another little person in my life... I love my girls and as a general rule they are happy, kind and sweet children...
However, there is a much darker side...
My eldest Miss 3 has decided (in the last two weeks) that she is going to do everything possible to induce labour early for me. Fun, fun. Today was another prime example. She has a reward chart, that I made up to try and curb some of this infuriating behaviour, when she listens to mummy and daddy and is a good girl she gets a sticker on the chart. After 10 stickers she gets a "prize" for being a good girl. We were on track today and I thought whoo hoo... PROGRESS! Then BAM! REGRESSSION. After sitting with her while she played. Keeping her happy and quiet (while Miss 1.5 slept), I told her I was just going to do some washing. I walked out of the living space, loaded the things into the maching, put in the powder and switched it on. I walked back out and could see Bella with the 3L milk bottle. I thought "oh no". I couldnt see it anywhere so I thought that maybe, just maybe she had only just managed to get it (even if I did think that the levels within the carton looked depleted). Then I heard it... drip drip drip drip... Uh oh... That was when I saw it. At least 1L of milk dripping from the top of her toy shelf into her toy boxes. Angry doesn't even cover how I felt...
This is only the most recent of bad behaviours... Late last week I took the opportunity of an early morning and good tempers to race to the shopping centre to do some christmas shopping (with 11 weeks to go I have to take all the chances I can get). I got there and it was like a switch had flicked. Miss 3 put it on. Racing ahead. Sneaking off while I was looking for a size. Playing with every toy she could get her hand on. Throwing herself to the ground to get away from me holding her hand. Having a tantrum. Then right at the end of the shopping trip, I was speaking to a friend and we were saying goodbye, when Bella suddenly darted to the right and up a step escalator. Now normally I would have just followed but prams don't go on step escalators and she was on her way... So I had to ask my friend to watch the pram (with everything I own and in addition to her pram) while 29 weeks pregnant I flew after her to retrieve her. To say I felt angry and ill was an understatement.
I thought that although she was a little testing through her two's, I was doing ok. We hadn't had many major meltdowns and she was reasonably compliant. Haha! Well that thinking bit me in the butt.
At the moment, she refuses to follow instructions, citing "no mummy" or "not right now". She is a runner, so although most of the time she will stand nearby and hold the pram, that has been going out the window (and she seems to pick checkouts and queues to run off). She watches EVERYTHING. I am sure B thinks that I must just lay on my bed all day, because she takes moments, like me ducking off to the ladies, to have a shower, put on washing, change nappies or wiping bathrooms to get into and do all the destructive things. We have had smeared "business", smooshed butter, spilt milk, emptied cordial, spritzed cleaning sprays, tipped out bath bubbles, spread toothpaste, pasted peanut butter, wiped vegemite, squished playdough, water all over the place, in things and just generally creating a MASSIVE mess.
I know that she will grow out of it but MAN... It definitely tests your patience. Then comes the hour after when you are still stewing on it and she comes up for a hug, or to ask for something and all you can think is "HELL NO".
Do you let it go and move on and just continue your discipline for every bad deed?
Do you remind her why she isn't getting the "bubbles" or "milk" or "tv"?
How do you deal with your Mr or Miss 3's???
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Bold Bureau
After a fabulous 4.50am wake up, care of Miss 3 and Miss 1.5... I have achieved very little this morning. Normally they are climbing into my bed around 5.30 and by 9 we are all fed and the housework is complete. Although completely by accident, we have fallen into a routine that has worked quite well for us. Both little Miss' have been unwell and I would say that although we are in the final days of that, it may have contributed to the early morning. I HAD resorted to putting a gate across their door to contain them, as Miss 3 was very helpful in my pantry of a morning, but after a few mornings of Miss 1.5 getting trapped between the gate and the door (in a space of cm's) we pulled it down. As any parent would understand, the safety of our girls was more important than a few emptied Tupperware containers.
Digressing. Again. I had a visit from one of my cousins (it was unbelievably comforting) yesterday and she told me how inspired she felt reading my blog. It was incredibly flattering and I wanted to take the opportunity to tell all of you, including Mrs L, that you can take ANY piece of furniture that you fall in love with and make it beautiful. I do recommend that you start with smaller pieces and work your way up (it would be incredibly daunting to start on a wardrobe for example as opposed to a coffee table or writing bureau.
Speaking of which, here the next of my projects.
I had been looking for a writing bureau for months... My mother has a beautiful one (in perfect condition) that belonged to my grandfather. It still has that beautiful musty smell when you open it, reminding me of childhood scents of them.
I have ALWAYS loved this piece of furniture and it wasn't until mum sent me a pic message of something that she had seen in Better Homes and Gardens, that I developed an obsession with having a writing bureau myself.
Now I COMPLETELY understand that my mother would have LOVED to have painted her bureau but for sentimental and decor reasons, I think that her decision to keep it in its original condition was the best decision. I, on the other hand, have been upcycling my furniture to Dulux USA Antique White, and I feel that I need to keep that white theme running through all my furniture. So, began the hunt for a writing bureau that I could upcycle. I was sitting on the couch one evening when my DH said to me "Is this what you are after", while showing me a picture from a FaceBook For Sale site. Sure enough, it looked like it was what I was after. So I accepted the sale and we collected the item.
Although, size wise, it was little smaller than I had hoped for, it was a really cute piece and it definitely grew on me. So I began the "revamp". I had this wondeful idea that keeping it within my blue and white theme was the way to go. I sanded as much of the old paint as I could from the desk, with my main purpose being to clean and smooth the desk, as there were some marks and chips on it.
As you can see, when I did this project I kept the doors etc on the item and therefore I coudn't get to all the edges and corners, not leaving me with a perfect finish. I do recommend pulling doors, handles, drawers etc out. It does make for a much more professional job and a job that lasts much longer too.
I then moved onto painting the interior of the cupboard.
I used an spray paint for this section as it was quite fiddly to paint. It did require a few coats but was a gloss paint so finished really well.
Here is the complete desk. In my bedroom and all.
Now, I am going to make a confession here. I attempted to cut a few corners and as a result I am not 100% happy with the result.
Although I am not going to attempt a re do of this in the near future it WILL be something that I will fix. I found that once the blue was on the item, although the same blue looked awesome on the buffet, on the desk it ovepowered the desk. My plan now is to paint the drop down table and base of the desk white and the inside of the lower cupboard white. I will also be doing a little bit of patching, replacing the drawer handles and adding door handles. The key for the desk has been broken into the lock so I will be replacing that with a new lock OR a handle as well. Now I am also on the hunt for a comfy chair to finish the piece off (I might even attempt a re cover)...
See even Lozzie's don't get it right all the time :-)
I hope that you all understand that you can attempt anything... If it isn't right you can go back and fix.
Enjoy your Wednesday!!!!
Keep smiling.
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Arty Farty
I spent most of my teens painting my problems away. It was incredibly therapeutic and a little part of me (yes I say LITTLE) wishes that it had been something that I had pursued later on in life (even now). I used to love painting and reflecting on them later (even if occassionally they were very dark and angry). I can still remember one of my art teachers shock when she came to check the progress of one of my pieces. It was blues and greys and well... dark. Darker than anything I had painted before... Then I went from that piece to painting fairies?? Go figure.
Although as a mother I hope that my beautiful girls... and nearly cooked "it" have happy lives I also want to foster and encourage art in their lives. I come from a family that has some incredibly talented people in it... My extended family includes, mechanic, handyman, graphic designer, symphony musician, engineer (I think), business owner, hairdresser, lawyer (2 of those), data analysis, jeweller, builder, sales rep, teacher (3 of those - including me), clerk and that is not all of them (and doesn't include partners). All of these members of my family are artistic in one form or another and I think that, that makes for a good genetic foundation for my children. Ok I am digressing slightly (a lot).
Mrs F and I were feeling inspired and purchased the children some art supplies. That was when I realised that I had nowhere to store them. So I did some investigating. Initially I was only after something that was maybe waist height (laminate if needed) and would store the girls things. What I discovered was a thousand times better. I am a member of a For Sale FB page (one of FB's pros), and I saw THE most gorgeous wooden cupboard for sale. So I bought it.
When I got there it was sturdy, in good condition and just needed some lovin'. So I obliged. Now the maker of this cabinet may have a heart attack right now - but be assured it is loved now (and will be for many years to come).
So my first job was to sand this baby. It was definitely "rustic" in that the item was rough timber and well, I wanted it a little less splinter happy. Once I had completed this, I used an undercoat over the timber (note to self and you all - if you are unsure whether an item has been oiled or stained make sure you get an undercoat that blocks that from seeping into the paint). I then began to paint (using the same paint that I have been using for all of my other items to keep the paint colour the same.
Sadly, as it was a relatively basic job, I didn't get any during the process pics. It really was a case of, one minute it looked like the above pic and then the next minute it was finished... So I will share the afters...
This blue is the same blue as the buffet and I am completely in love. I have to say that the cupobard fits my needs perfectly and although it may not always hold pride of place (in my laundry) it will always store our arts and crafts.
It is also the perfect height to get my laundry products out of reach of helpful 3 year olds. ;-)
I think that the one thing that I can say is that, although some items may not look pretty from the outside, they all have the potential (with a bit of love) to be amazing pieces in your home.
Now, I am going to go tackle a cot (before this baby arrives), maybe with some assistance from DH.
Wish me luck
Keep smiling.
Friday, 4 October 2013
Early Morning Reflections
As I squeezed my eyes closed I could hear the somewhat nonsense babbling coming from the girls bedroom, I opened one eye long enough to see that the sun was creeping its way through the things that the real estate call curtains. As I tried to steal another few minutes of snoozing, I could hear the shower running. The next thing I knew I had two little sets of feet running down the hallway calling "mummy" and "daddy" and B opening the bathroom door. The excitement that the girls have when they wake up of a morning and "escape" from their bedroom is classic and just like me on a Christmas morning at 11 years old. I hope that they are always that happy to see us.
So, as I sip on my tea and they sit finishing their breakfast whilst playing with their toys (yes, they are allowed to eat breakfast away from the table), I reflect on the last 12 months (D and M). I have had my ups and downs and some personal epiphanies, but I am in a really good space. I understand that I will have my "bleh" days, everyone does but all in all things are much better in Lauren's head.
I have decided that there is NOTHING better than waking up to a clean house. Not having to wake up and clean everything - although I do have a pile of ironing/folding that is about to swallow my 2 seater lounger whole - was wonderful. It is little things like that, that help me start my day with a smile.
Anyway, I have sat here for long enough sharing, so I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend... Maybe with a clean house, I can get some of these projects done ;-)
Keep smiling.
So, as I sip on my tea and they sit finishing their breakfast whilst playing with their toys (yes, they are allowed to eat breakfast away from the table), I reflect on the last 12 months (D and M). I have had my ups and downs and some personal epiphanies, but I am in a really good space. I understand that I will have my "bleh" days, everyone does but all in all things are much better in Lauren's head.
I have decided that there is NOTHING better than waking up to a clean house. Not having to wake up and clean everything - although I do have a pile of ironing/folding that is about to swallow my 2 seater lounger whole - was wonderful. It is little things like that, that help me start my day with a smile.
Miss 1.5 has been making so many new discoveries... and speaking more (which was never going to be an issue with B and I as parents)... She has become particularly skilled at helping mummy get the breakfast of a morning. Although I must say she certainly must have been hungry this morning. We didn't stop at the two plates for the toast.
So, I have been doing more than just cleaning and keeping my children fed and loved. I have SO many projects to share and as I am starting to get a bank up of projects that I have completed, you are all going to be bombarded in the next few weeks. Here are some of the things I have been doing.
Now you might all think, well that is all nice and well, BUT I did decide in my pregnant "condition" that all the damage from the move, the teeth marks and that IF I am honest I never actually received the colour cot that I wanted... I decided to re invent our cot... At this stage this is all I have managed (although I only have 5 weeks before I leave Qld for Tas) so I really need to get a move on... (plus add in there a trip down to coastal NSW and a house relocation)... Me. Overcommit? Never! Watch this space for the cot re do.
PLUS I am particularly excited about the project that you see below. I cannot wait to show you the end result. Yet another project that I really need to get off my bottom to share with you. See I told you I have LOTS to share...
Anyway, I have sat here for long enough sharing, so I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend... Maybe with a clean house, I can get some of these projects done ;-)
Keep smiling.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Are you with me?
This blog was about myself trying to make my world more amazing. Although I am not naive to the fact that I probably barely reach people outside my own family and friends! I don't mind. I am on a journey (setbacks and all) and appreciate the love that I do get.
My journey is not only about doing the things that I love and making things around me "pretty" but I am trying to embark on a personal journey to appreciate myself.
I'm not sure about you but I am my own worst enemy. I look in the mirror and I judge and criticise myself. I take every moment that my daughters decides to test me as a personal failure. I am overly sensitive to the way that I behave around others and "monitor" my behaviour so that they don't find me unappealing. I worry when I don't hear from people that I have done something wrong. I can hear a voice in my head saying "you have two ears and one mouth, use them in that proportion". I feel cross when others try and force their opinions on others, trying to be the loudest.
Then it happened... I was scrolling through Facebook (yes- I didn't last very long off it) and there was an article about some photographs that had been banned from Facebook for being inappropriate. They were of mothers in underwear with their babies. Real and beautiful women. It got me thinking.
Why is it ok for there to be girls (and yes I am going to call them girls) posting provocative pictures of themselves (some naked) yet photos of mothers, whose bodies might not be Hollywood perfect are banned?
What hope do real women, with stretch marks, with sagging skin, with cellulite, with uneven tans, with thighs that meet and a little extra weight have? Then I realised that society has become so critical and judgemental that nothing we do escapes someone's critical eye.
If my girls have a tantrum and I don't yell I don't discipline my child
If I smack my children I am abusive.
If I am skinny, I must be a b***h who doesn't eat.
If I am not size 8, I am fat and lazy.
If I give them a strawberry milk at the supermarket I am neglecting my children's health.
If there is nothing but fruit in the shopping trolley, I don't allow them to have any fun.
If I call back my children when they run off at the shops, I am common.
If I just let them go, I am neglectful.
If I have three under three, I am a bogun tart.
If I have a child at 40 I am too old.
If I have one child, I am selfish and the child will be a spoilt brat.
If I have five children, I have no self control and they will be neglected and out of control.
If my house is messy, I am lazy.
If my house if spotless, I am obsessive and neglect the children.
If I wear clothes that cover me up, I am a prude.
If I wear short skirts and low slung tops, I have no self respect.
In all seriousness my list could go on forever.
However, it is the ability to rise above others and make the decision that NOONE has the right to invalidate you. Don't get me wrong, I have a LOOOONG way to go before I am where I want to be as a person and in life. I DO however want to be a good role model for my children and that involves making change.
I want to bring to your attention a woman called Taryn. She is the founder of Body Image Movement. She is an amazing and motivational woman and is doing some serious good for women in society. She is also on FB so please like her page. For those men (family of mine or not) before you scoff I want you to think about this... If your girlfriend or wife genuinely loved who she was, flaws and all and was genuinely happy with her body, with who she was. She loved life. She was positive. She didn't let others get to her. Wouldn't THAT woman make you happy? I am taking the steps (although slowly) to be that happy woman. For myself, but also for my husband and children. I want my husband to look forward to coming home everyday. I want to be a positive role model for my kids. I want a home filled with true happiness and love and laughter.
I am taking the steps forward, to be a happier me. Who is with me to break society's angry cycle?
I even didn't care that people could see my pregnant (flawed) body in a bikini on the weekend... Giant leap of faith...
Remember no matter what people, you are all amazing. You are all beautiful or handsome. You are all loved by people around you (even if you don't realise it). Most of all you are so incredibly important to someone.
Keep smiling.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Christmas Planning!!!!!
I have taken the opportunity to sit quietly (or not so quietly) while Miss 1 sleeps and Miss 3 plays with her "clay" or playdough as we all know it.
It has been a little over a month since I have been able to sit down and post about my creative works... or lack thereof - depending on how you look at it. I had a good friend, Miss P, visit me this morning with her new baby boy. It was wonderful to see her, even if I was running around like a chicken that just had its head chopped off (Friday 13th???) and Miss P always inspires me to get back here. So here I am.
Now that I have two little girls (and am feeling scroogish), I decided that it was time to do something diferent. I lost my christmas spirit (even though I love the day and having family around) years ago when I worked in retail. Sadly my mother did too. So my mission this christmas is to restore the family Christmas spirit.
With Christmas just around the corner (sorry to remind you) and the fact that this little baby is due around the same time I have had the realisation that I need to be organised. I wanted to make this Christmas special for the girls as Miss 3 is old enough to understand and get excited about Christmas and Miss 1 was too little to remember her first Christmas. Plus as much as I don't want to admit it, this could be one of a few Christmas' that we will get with both of my sisters now we are all grown up. Life changes for everyone and we have the opportunity to have my sister Miss G and her bf here in Australia this year for Christmas (I think it will be one of his first Christmas' here). Which makes it all the more important that I help make this an awesome Christmas for everyone... Not sure how J will go with a Christmas that isn't white but I am sure we will make it an "experience" for him ;-) I want to share all of my ideas on here BUT I know there is a certain Miss G who reads this blog and seeing as she was always the one that used to go hunting for christmas presents before the fact (AND has been caught unwrapping to rewrap presents) I am going to withhold information. Well at least some of it.
A few years ago I made an Advent Calendar (LOVED IT) but I have found a DIVINE one that I want to make instead... So I am giving the one that I already have to my mother (who loves it). When I made the Advent Calendar, the intention was to put treats in the pocket, and watching my husband and cousin (who was living with us at the time) fight over who got to the Advent Calendar first for the treat was amusing.
I have developed a small obsession with Pinterest and found Advent "experiences"... now admittedly they were written/created by clever people who get snow at Christmas so I did a little tweaking and created some of my own...
Here they are:
Now. In the christmas box mentioned above, I plan on placing "special" christmas baubles, some christmas chocolate, christmas "santa" sacks and a christmas DVD. Here are the pages that have some great ideas, Advent 4 Ways and Advent Experiences.
Of course, while that will keep myself and two little babes nice and busy I am aware it will take more than that to bring on christmas spirit so I am investing in an Elf on the Shelf. I LOVE the ideas and activities that you can do with it and thought that although the girls are a little young at the moment it is a wonderful tradition to start. Here are some of the pages with fantastic ideas... Elf on The Shelf and Great Elf on the Shelf Ideas.
Also because I am OTT and cannot do ANYTHING by halves, I will be having a box filled with wrapped christmas books (thank god we already have a decent collection) and every night the girls will get to pick a book and we will read the book at bedtime. See the page that inspired me here.
Of course I am not finishing there. Grandma has always said that when there are little people in her house for Christmas, she will be having a "party" on Christmas Eve for those little people. It will involve Party Pies, Sausage Rolls, Cordial and Cake (and hot chocolate). To add to this I wanted to start the tradition of Christmas Eve Box (another Pinterest discovery). It is a box that I will organise and wrap and they will get to unwrap on Christmas Eve (maybe in conjunction with Grandma's Christmas Party). I have found the most gorgeous dress pattern for nighties and I will be making two little Christmas themed nighties that will go in the box (so they have something nice to wear Christmas morning), a Christmas movie (or Christmas themed Peppa Pig), popcorn (to watch with the movie), mugs (Melamime for my little rascals), hot chocolate, marshmallows, socks or slippers and one final Christmas book. I am aware that by this stage my children are going to be VERY hyped up on sugar etc but hey, it only happens a few times a year. See the page that inspired this idea here.
I have focussed on the children lots and I still want to create Christmas spirit for the adults that will be in the house... All 8 of us. Do you have some brilliant Christmas ideas or traditions for the big people in your household... or the little ones?
Keep smiling.
It has been a little over a month since I have been able to sit down and post about my creative works... or lack thereof - depending on how you look at it. I had a good friend, Miss P, visit me this morning with her new baby boy. It was wonderful to see her, even if I was running around like a chicken that just had its head chopped off (Friday 13th???) and Miss P always inspires me to get back here. So here I am.
Now that I have two little girls (and am feeling scroogish), I decided that it was time to do something diferent. I lost my christmas spirit (even though I love the day and having family around) years ago when I worked in retail. Sadly my mother did too. So my mission this christmas is to restore the family Christmas spirit.
With Christmas just around the corner (sorry to remind you) and the fact that this little baby is due around the same time I have had the realisation that I need to be organised. I wanted to make this Christmas special for the girls as Miss 3 is old enough to understand and get excited about Christmas and Miss 1 was too little to remember her first Christmas. Plus as much as I don't want to admit it, this could be one of a few Christmas' that we will get with both of my sisters now we are all grown up. Life changes for everyone and we have the opportunity to have my sister Miss G and her bf here in Australia this year for Christmas (I think it will be one of his first Christmas' here). Which makes it all the more important that I help make this an awesome Christmas for everyone... Not sure how J will go with a Christmas that isn't white but I am sure we will make it an "experience" for him ;-) I want to share all of my ideas on here BUT I know there is a certain Miss G who reads this blog and seeing as she was always the one that used to go hunting for christmas presents before the fact (AND has been caught unwrapping to rewrap presents) I am going to withhold information. Well at least some of it.
A few years ago I made an Advent Calendar (LOVED IT) but I have found a DIVINE one that I want to make instead... So I am giving the one that I already have to my mother (who loves it). When I made the Advent Calendar, the intention was to put treats in the pocket, and watching my husband and cousin (who was living with us at the time) fight over who got to the Advent Calendar first for the treat was amusing.
I have developed a small obsession with Pinterest and found Advent "experiences"... now admittedly they were written/created by clever people who get snow at Christmas so I did a little tweaking and created some of my own...
Here they are:
Decorate a Gingerbread house
Read a christmas book
Make thank you notes for after christmas
Wrap christmas stocking gifts
Christmas craft
Go christmas light hunting
Get a treat from the christmas box
visit santa
Play some christmas games
Make christmas decorations
Make gingerbread men
Write a letter to santa
Have a big bubble bath
Decorate the christmas tree
Go to the ABC giving tree (or Kmart one)
Get a treat from the christmas box
Decorate christmas tags
Treasure hunt
Get a treat from the christmas box
Have a hot chocolate buffet before bed
Decorate christmas cookies
Have lunch at a special restaurant
Gat a treat from the christmas box
Have a christmas movie night with treats.
Now. In the christmas box mentioned above, I plan on placing "special" christmas baubles, some christmas chocolate, christmas "santa" sacks and a christmas DVD. Here are the pages that have some great ideas, Advent 4 Ways and Advent Experiences.
Of course, while that will keep myself and two little babes nice and busy I am aware it will take more than that to bring on christmas spirit so I am investing in an Elf on the Shelf. I LOVE the ideas and activities that you can do with it and thought that although the girls are a little young at the moment it is a wonderful tradition to start. Here are some of the pages with fantastic ideas... Elf on The Shelf and Great Elf on the Shelf Ideas.
Also because I am OTT and cannot do ANYTHING by halves, I will be having a box filled with wrapped christmas books (thank god we already have a decent collection) and every night the girls will get to pick a book and we will read the book at bedtime. See the page that inspired me here.
Of course I am not finishing there. Grandma has always said that when there are little people in her house for Christmas, she will be having a "party" on Christmas Eve for those little people. It will involve Party Pies, Sausage Rolls, Cordial and Cake (and hot chocolate). To add to this I wanted to start the tradition of Christmas Eve Box (another Pinterest discovery). It is a box that I will organise and wrap and they will get to unwrap on Christmas Eve (maybe in conjunction with Grandma's Christmas Party). I have found the most gorgeous dress pattern for nighties and I will be making two little Christmas themed nighties that will go in the box (so they have something nice to wear Christmas morning), a Christmas movie (or Christmas themed Peppa Pig), popcorn (to watch with the movie), mugs (Melamime for my little rascals), hot chocolate, marshmallows, socks or slippers and one final Christmas book. I am aware that by this stage my children are going to be VERY hyped up on sugar etc but hey, it only happens a few times a year. See the page that inspired this idea here.
I have focussed on the children lots and I still want to create Christmas spirit for the adults that will be in the house... All 8 of us. Do you have some brilliant Christmas ideas or traditions for the big people in your household... or the little ones?
Keep smiling.
Monday, 5 August 2013
Breathing New Life
I am attempting to launch myself back on the "blogging" bandwagon. It had been too long.
Although up cycling furniture and breathing new life into it is one thing that I LOVE. I love all arts and crafts, sewing, knitting, painting and cooking... I'd like to add music to that list but apart from being able to keep key when I sing, all that talent went to my cousins. I was looking through the blogs that I love (check out my Fave's list) and I realised that they all have a theme or purpose. Something that mine doesn't seem to have (at the moment). I created this blog to share all thing about my home. Whether it be the upcycling of furniture I decorate with. The artwork on the wall. The cloth that I put on the table. The cleaning routine in my home. My cooking. The sewing that I do. My blog's purpose is to provide "inspiration" and the "yes, you can" not "no, you can't". ALL of us have talent and skills, its about practising and harnessing those skills. Its about taking a chance.
Life is beautiful. We have been given an amazing opportunity in life and we should take it. You know that feel good feeling you get when you walk away from watching a movie and it just has that effect. Everyday should be like that. For me creating things and sharing them with others gives me that feeling. For some people it might be the silence and wind hitting your face on your morning jog. For others it is the rush of cold water as they go for a surf. For some it might be that 15mins in the morning that you can sit in peace and quiet while you drink your coffee. Regardless it is that good feeling that we should be carrying through our day.
I mean I don't know about you, but it is easy to get caught in the drama and the negative of things in life. I think that it is harder to decide that, that isn't the way we should be (don't get me wrong I understand life happens) but all day everyday and you become all that you are feeling. You make others feel the same way. You teach your children to be the same when they are older. I am not perfect but I am trying to find a way to have that feeling more often.
I have two little girls under 3. Both very spirited children. Both with very strong personalities. When they are tired. Or have lost the plot... Well lets just say you and everyone within a 100km radius know about it. 99% of the time they are good and happy little girls, but I cannot tell you how easy it is to be caught in the negative, to latch on to the bad behaviours and forget that for an entire 40min walk they held onto the pram. That they giggled and talked to the shop assistants. That they said, hello, thank you and "see ya". It is Miss 2.95's birthday in a few days and I made her a play car mat. She came into my sewing room (she got bored trying to sleep) and she said "wow mummy, beautiful". Now she had no idea that this "beautiful" thing was for her, but I had this sudden realisation. This little girl is kind and wonderful and how could I forget that. How could I forget that I am incredibly lucky to have two beautiful healthy little girls? Easy. It's life, right? Wrong?
So. I started by removing myself from Facebook. Admittedly I have thought about getting back on... I havent though... yet. Why you ask? When I signed up all those years ago, I did so because it was the best way of keeping in contact with people who were far away from me, it used to be about noting your adventures. In the last 12 months, my page has become filled with political opinions, slagging off other people, sports or business', making fun of others, whinging about how terrible peoples lives are, garnering sympathy by a woe is me post, hourly updates and advertising... LOTS of advertising, whether through "liking" or "sharing" a page. To be honest I have been on and off Facebook over the years. I found that people would be dragging me into the negative headspace. Don't get me wrong... Everyone is entitled to feel how they feel and that is fine but I don't want to hear it anymore. Why should I? I thought about removing people as friends, but I could see a few of them creating a right stinker. So... off we go. I didn't tell anyone that was what I was going to do but the funny thing is... Noone has noticed. I haven't had a text message to ask how I am. Those that I spoke to via text I still hear from.
Once I did that I began setting up a clear routine for myself and the girls. I have found that they thrive on routine and to be honest I do to. Having a clean house everyday is nice. I had signed up to a website called The Organised Housewife years ago and subscribed. I received daily emails, giving me task etc for the day. It is amazing the things you DON'T think to do that really if you did would make life so much easier. I set up a daily cleaning schedule for myself with monthly additions (ie washing windows, wiping door handles, cleaning light switches etc). So far I have stuck to it this month (we ARE only 6 days in) and to have my house clean by 9 every morning is comfort for me. Mind you mopping the huge floor space I have can only be described as a pain in the proverbial.
Then I created an updated calendar of arts and crafts to do with Isabella. We don't really get one on one time so I needed to MAKE time for us. She is a really good little girl but I have found that the bad behaviour is when she wants attention. She loves "paintin" and Mr Maker. Being a school teacher and wanting her arts and crafts to have some purpose I created "themes" ie one week the crafts we do are based around insects another week it might be about the sea. I am considering creating a blog to document this but I am still umming and ahhing about that.
Once I did that, I went and dug up my knitting, wiped down my sewing machines and put down my paint brushes (temporarily of course) and created some new bits and pieces. I found lots of new dress patterns... both for my growing belly and for the girls and a few "other" patterns for games etc and I launched myself into them. It took me 10 minutes to create my trousers (although I still need to do the shirring and hem) and it took me the rest of the day on and off to create the foldable car mat. I sat down last night and felt so proud of myself. I had achieved so much.
It was all about creating that happy feeling. Making my life a little more positive.
What things make you happy?
Keep smiling.
Although up cycling furniture and breathing new life into it is one thing that I LOVE. I love all arts and crafts, sewing, knitting, painting and cooking... I'd like to add music to that list but apart from being able to keep key when I sing, all that talent went to my cousins. I was looking through the blogs that I love (check out my Fave's list) and I realised that they all have a theme or purpose. Something that mine doesn't seem to have (at the moment). I created this blog to share all thing about my home. Whether it be the upcycling of furniture I decorate with. The artwork on the wall. The cloth that I put on the table. The cleaning routine in my home. My cooking. The sewing that I do. My blog's purpose is to provide "inspiration" and the "yes, you can" not "no, you can't". ALL of us have talent and skills, its about practising and harnessing those skills. Its about taking a chance.
Life is beautiful. We have been given an amazing opportunity in life and we should take it. You know that feel good feeling you get when you walk away from watching a movie and it just has that effect. Everyday should be like that. For me creating things and sharing them with others gives me that feeling. For some people it might be the silence and wind hitting your face on your morning jog. For others it is the rush of cold water as they go for a surf. For some it might be that 15mins in the morning that you can sit in peace and quiet while you drink your coffee. Regardless it is that good feeling that we should be carrying through our day.
I mean I don't know about you, but it is easy to get caught in the drama and the negative of things in life. I think that it is harder to decide that, that isn't the way we should be (don't get me wrong I understand life happens) but all day everyday and you become all that you are feeling. You make others feel the same way. You teach your children to be the same when they are older. I am not perfect but I am trying to find a way to have that feeling more often.
I have two little girls under 3. Both very spirited children. Both with very strong personalities. When they are tired. Or have lost the plot... Well lets just say you and everyone within a 100km radius know about it. 99% of the time they are good and happy little girls, but I cannot tell you how easy it is to be caught in the negative, to latch on to the bad behaviours and forget that for an entire 40min walk they held onto the pram. That they giggled and talked to the shop assistants. That they said, hello, thank you and "see ya". It is Miss 2.95's birthday in a few days and I made her a play car mat. She came into my sewing room (she got bored trying to sleep) and she said "wow mummy, beautiful". Now she had no idea that this "beautiful" thing was for her, but I had this sudden realisation. This little girl is kind and wonderful and how could I forget that. How could I forget that I am incredibly lucky to have two beautiful healthy little girls? Easy. It's life, right? Wrong?
So. I started by removing myself from Facebook. Admittedly I have thought about getting back on... I havent though... yet. Why you ask? When I signed up all those years ago, I did so because it was the best way of keeping in contact with people who were far away from me, it used to be about noting your adventures. In the last 12 months, my page has become filled with political opinions, slagging off other people, sports or business', making fun of others, whinging about how terrible peoples lives are, garnering sympathy by a woe is me post, hourly updates and advertising... LOTS of advertising, whether through "liking" or "sharing" a page. To be honest I have been on and off Facebook over the years. I found that people would be dragging me into the negative headspace. Don't get me wrong... Everyone is entitled to feel how they feel and that is fine but I don't want to hear it anymore. Why should I? I thought about removing people as friends, but I could see a few of them creating a right stinker. So... off we go. I didn't tell anyone that was what I was going to do but the funny thing is... Noone has noticed. I haven't had a text message to ask how I am. Those that I spoke to via text I still hear from.
Once I did that I began setting up a clear routine for myself and the girls. I have found that they thrive on routine and to be honest I do to. Having a clean house everyday is nice. I had signed up to a website called The Organised Housewife years ago and subscribed. I received daily emails, giving me task etc for the day. It is amazing the things you DON'T think to do that really if you did would make life so much easier. I set up a daily cleaning schedule for myself with monthly additions (ie washing windows, wiping door handles, cleaning light switches etc). So far I have stuck to it this month (we ARE only 6 days in) and to have my house clean by 9 every morning is comfort for me. Mind you mopping the huge floor space I have can only be described as a pain in the proverbial.
Then I created an updated calendar of arts and crafts to do with Isabella. We don't really get one on one time so I needed to MAKE time for us. She is a really good little girl but I have found that the bad behaviour is when she wants attention. She loves "paintin" and Mr Maker. Being a school teacher and wanting her arts and crafts to have some purpose I created "themes" ie one week the crafts we do are based around insects another week it might be about the sea. I am considering creating a blog to document this but I am still umming and ahhing about that.
Once I did that, I went and dug up my knitting, wiped down my sewing machines and put down my paint brushes (temporarily of course) and created some new bits and pieces. I found lots of new dress patterns... both for my growing belly and for the girls and a few "other" patterns for games etc and I launched myself into them. It took me 10 minutes to create my trousers (although I still need to do the shirring and hem) and it took me the rest of the day on and off to create the foldable car mat. I sat down last night and felt so proud of myself. I had achieved so much.
It was all about creating that happy feeling. Making my life a little more positive.
What things make you happy?
Keep smiling.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Updating status...
I have been on hiatus. Between morning sickness, terrible twos, housework, visitors and my neighbours things in my household have been manic. My self journey has been... well, challenging.
I have had "epiphanies" and self discoveries and have found that it is much easier to have these than actually continue to follow them through. especially when my general nature is passive. I seem to be a target for some people, and others just don't have time for me, but I do feel that, that is their issue not mine. It doesn't mean that statements don't hurt, that I am not affected by others actions but it does mean that I have the power to "let it go".
In case you missed the neon sign in the fist paragraph, B and I are expecting Baby #3. Miss 1 and Miss 2.75 are still a little young to understand what is going on but I know Miss 2.75 is clued in enough to work it out. Some people in our lives have expressed disapproval, some have simply claimed that we are crazy and others have been genuinely thrilled for us. Certainly when someone at the shops or in the street sees my growing belly you get "wow, you'll have your hands full" or "you must be crazy". My first response is "I am really clever cos the nappies will be over with sooner". We find the judgement hard to swallow, because we always wanted our children aged close together. Although a little sooner than we had thought it would happen we are still very excited. I guess that it is a shame that others get caught up in their issues and cannot see beyond what is socially deemed practical and see that this is a little baby, another little family member and someone that we want and will love just as much as our girls. As you can gather this (and one other issue) is what I have been struggling to push through during my journey. How do you not feel hurt that someone thinks your pregnancy is a negative thing or shrouded in social stigma that you are "common".
The other part of my journey has been the targeted attack of some people nearby who have been trying to get us in trouble. I have two beautiful, active, happy and energetic children, who play together well, who enjoy being outside. Others don't feel that way about them and I am concerned for their well being and mine as I warm my back in the sun with my cup of tea. To be told that you need to change your family, yes even children under 3, it feels like a judgement on your parenting skills. If this had only been a once off event, then I would be saying "they need to get over themselves". The problem is that now it has occurred again and despite their behaviours (which I can assure you are less that acceptable), it is my family who are being put on trial. I live in a state where most of the time the sun is beaming and the backyard is calling their name. I'm not going to put my children in front of a television for the benefit of someone I don't know.
I knew when I undertook this journey that it would be slow and I would be faced with setbacks, but to be honest I didn't expect to have such lows. I found that I was getting caught up in other people's drama, that I was being disappointed by people, that I was being affected negatively emotionally by other people. May I add here, that I used to enjoy Facebook, because I used to be able to keep up with others movements and adventures, when otherwise life was busy. Then something changed, people stopped using it for keeping in touch, it became the primary source of communication. Instead of picking up their phone to contact you, they post a photo or comment to cover telling everyone. To be honest, I have felt angry for some time now that the only time I heard from people was via Facebook. So I decided that I was going to remove myself from something that created such angst. I was better than this. That if people really cared about me they would contact me otherwise. Needless to say a week on, no one has noticed.
I have been busy with furniture up cycling as well , I promise I will post about these soon, and after possibly wearing out Bryan's sander, I may have to do things the "hard" way, which I am sure will only make things more interesting for you.
If I haven't bored you to sleep, I hope to bring you some furniture re do'e soon.
Keep smiling
I have had "epiphanies" and self discoveries and have found that it is much easier to have these than actually continue to follow them through. especially when my general nature is passive. I seem to be a target for some people, and others just don't have time for me, but I do feel that, that is their issue not mine. It doesn't mean that statements don't hurt, that I am not affected by others actions but it does mean that I have the power to "let it go".
In case you missed the neon sign in the fist paragraph, B and I are expecting Baby #3. Miss 1 and Miss 2.75 are still a little young to understand what is going on but I know Miss 2.75 is clued in enough to work it out. Some people in our lives have expressed disapproval, some have simply claimed that we are crazy and others have been genuinely thrilled for us. Certainly when someone at the shops or in the street sees my growing belly you get "wow, you'll have your hands full" or "you must be crazy". My first response is "I am really clever cos the nappies will be over with sooner". We find the judgement hard to swallow, because we always wanted our children aged close together. Although a little sooner than we had thought it would happen we are still very excited. I guess that it is a shame that others get caught up in their issues and cannot see beyond what is socially deemed practical and see that this is a little baby, another little family member and someone that we want and will love just as much as our girls. As you can gather this (and one other issue) is what I have been struggling to push through during my journey. How do you not feel hurt that someone thinks your pregnancy is a negative thing or shrouded in social stigma that you are "common".
The other part of my journey has been the targeted attack of some people nearby who have been trying to get us in trouble. I have two beautiful, active, happy and energetic children, who play together well, who enjoy being outside. Others don't feel that way about them and I am concerned for their well being and mine as I warm my back in the sun with my cup of tea. To be told that you need to change your family, yes even children under 3, it feels like a judgement on your parenting skills. If this had only been a once off event, then I would be saying "they need to get over themselves". The problem is that now it has occurred again and despite their behaviours (which I can assure you are less that acceptable), it is my family who are being put on trial. I live in a state where most of the time the sun is beaming and the backyard is calling their name. I'm not going to put my children in front of a television for the benefit of someone I don't know.
I knew when I undertook this journey that it would be slow and I would be faced with setbacks, but to be honest I didn't expect to have such lows. I found that I was getting caught up in other people's drama, that I was being disappointed by people, that I was being affected negatively emotionally by other people. May I add here, that I used to enjoy Facebook, because I used to be able to keep up with others movements and adventures, when otherwise life was busy. Then something changed, people stopped using it for keeping in touch, it became the primary source of communication. Instead of picking up their phone to contact you, they post a photo or comment to cover telling everyone. To be honest, I have felt angry for some time now that the only time I heard from people was via Facebook. So I decided that I was going to remove myself from something that created such angst. I was better than this. That if people really cared about me they would contact me otherwise. Needless to say a week on, no one has noticed.
I have been busy with furniture up cycling as well , I promise I will post about these soon, and after possibly wearing out Bryan's sander, I may have to do things the "hard" way, which I am sure will only make things more interesting for you.
If I haven't bored you to sleep, I hope to bring you some furniture re do'e soon.
Keep smiling
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Miss 2
Having survived Miss 1's special first birthday, I had the sudden realisation that I had not shared with you Miss 2.5's 2nd birthday.
Last year B and I needed to be apart (not by choice) but because he was working in WA and I had just had darling Miss 1. His work required him to be in WA for the remainder of 2012 and I had already packed up the house, popped it in storage in Qld and we couldn't really afford to be paying for us to live in two states, so after many conversations, my parents asked me to stay with them and Bryan worked FIFO out of Tasmania. When Miss 2.5 turned 1 we were in WA and had a party with all our friends, it was too far for some family members to travel. When the decision to say in Tasmania with my family had been made, I looked for things to keep me occupied and to distract me from the fact that there was a significant family missing. One of these things was organising Miss 2.5's, 2nd birthday. It was so much fun!!!
I picked a theme and location first. I googled children's birthday parties and did some searching on Pinterest. I also happen to have two amazing pages on Facebook that I liked that always have the most divine inspiration. Whimsy Petite Styling and Party Inspirations. My gorgeous sister worked at a "Fast food restaurant" and was able to book the room. I asked lots of questions about what I was and wasnt allowed to do there (regarding decorations etc) and then got planning.
Once I had found my inspiration, I then began the prop and decoration hunt. There are some brilliant party websites, that if you plan in advance will deliver to your door. Some of my favourites are actually located on the Sunshine Coast (you should have heard the squealing when I discovered the warehouse), so whilst I advocate using local stores (I believe you risk losing them if you don't support them), I understand that sometimes when you are looking for something specific (as I was) you do need the internet. I did discover that the local wholesale florist supplier had some of the things that I needed that I couldn't find anywhere...
Then began the food preparation. As I knew that the venue had food (yes it was unhealthy, but it was a once a year thing), I decided that I wasn't going to be able to redeem myself so I made some sweet treats to counteract the restaurant food.
Just a side note to everyone... make sure you arrive at LEAST half hour before party time because the most stressful thing was having everyone turning up as you were, and hovering while you were setting up... Being the perfectionist that I am, I wanted them to walk in the room and have the "WOW" factor, not be helping me set up. I was grateful for the help, please don't get me wrong, but it wasn't the way I saw things playing out...
The end result though was brilliant... Well at least I thought so...
Last year B and I needed to be apart (not by choice) but because he was working in WA and I had just had darling Miss 1. His work required him to be in WA for the remainder of 2012 and I had already packed up the house, popped it in storage in Qld and we couldn't really afford to be paying for us to live in two states, so after many conversations, my parents asked me to stay with them and Bryan worked FIFO out of Tasmania. When Miss 2.5 turned 1 we were in WA and had a party with all our friends, it was too far for some family members to travel. When the decision to say in Tasmania with my family had been made, I looked for things to keep me occupied and to distract me from the fact that there was a significant family missing. One of these things was organising Miss 2.5's, 2nd birthday. It was so much fun!!!
I picked a theme and location first. I googled children's birthday parties and did some searching on Pinterest. I also happen to have two amazing pages on Facebook that I liked that always have the most divine inspiration. Whimsy Petite Styling and Party Inspirations. My gorgeous sister worked at a "Fast food restaurant" and was able to book the room. I asked lots of questions about what I was and wasnt allowed to do there (regarding decorations etc) and then got planning.
Once I had found my inspiration, I then began the prop and decoration hunt. There are some brilliant party websites, that if you plan in advance will deliver to your door. Some of my favourites are actually located on the Sunshine Coast (you should have heard the squealing when I discovered the warehouse), so whilst I advocate using local stores (I believe you risk losing them if you don't support them), I understand that sometimes when you are looking for something specific (as I was) you do need the internet. I did discover that the local wholesale florist supplier had some of the things that I needed that I couldn't find anywhere...
Then began the food preparation. As I knew that the venue had food (yes it was unhealthy, but it was a once a year thing), I decided that I wasn't going to be able to redeem myself so I made some sweet treats to counteract the restaurant food.
Just a side note to everyone... make sure you arrive at LEAST half hour before party time because the most stressful thing was having everyone turning up as you were, and hovering while you were setting up... Being the perfectionist that I am, I wanted them to walk in the room and have the "WOW" factor, not be helping me set up. I was grateful for the help, please don't get me wrong, but it wasn't the way I saw things playing out...
The end result though was brilliant... Well at least I thought so...
Monday, 3 June 2013
Making decisions
Hope you have your drink (wine, coffee or tea) ready...
My positive journey has been... difficult. I am not a negative person as such, it is just very easy to let the actions of other affect you and make you feel like you are inferior or unintelligent. I have always been someone who has taken to heart, the words, actions or in some cases inaction of others. Those who know me (and I mean KNOW me well), know that I spend a disproportionate amount of time doing things to make others happy, worrying about what others think and giving. I don't have any regrets about my life, about decisions I've made, about things that have or have not happened.
I have, however made some decisions (after much reflection):
1. I am not going to be able to just switch off and become another person. I need to take small steps at a time. Forgive myself for slip ups and learn from them, allowing them to make me stronger.
2. I will only allow people to treat me the way my parents do. I figure that if two people that have shaped who I am today, treat me with respect, kindness and love, then noone else has the right to treat me any differently.
3. I am going to emotionally distance myself from people who make me feel less of a person or inferior.
4. I am not going to allow people to dictate the way that I raise my children or tell me that I am doing something wrong. I am not perfect, I have never raised children before, but I want to have happy, confident, kind, respectful and helpful children and THAT is how I will be raising them. Whether an action or inaction is perceived as wrong.
5. I will not compromise my values or beliefs just because people attempt to bully me into agreeing with them.
6. I will not be disresepectful, unkind or hateful, even if other are being so to me. I will just refer to Decision 3.
7. I will forgive people for their actions but I will not forget them. If they compromise who I am then I will again refer to Decision 3.
8. I will stand up for myself without compromising my value and belief system or Decision 6.
9. Probably the most important, I will not allow people to treat my husband or children in a way that I wouldn't treat them. They are the most important people in the world to me and while I cannot wrap them in bubble wrap, I will not allow them to love themselves any less than I do.
10. I will continue to work hard on my "mindset" journey.
These decisions have been about 15 years in the making. I finally have the guts (1/3 way into my life) to implement them. I know that these decisions seem like something that in life you should already be doing but to avoid conflict, to keep the peace and because it is against my nature (and WAY out of my comfort zone) I have compromised who I am, in so many different circumstances, simply, the time has come.
Miss B, Mrs B and Mrs F have been my inspiration for this. They are the strongest women I know. Yes, they have been kicked in the guts and we have shared many tears and lots of laughter but I am very fortunate to have amazing role models and friends. I surround myself with these incredibly strong in character women and I should have made this decision a long time ago. Mrs B, even sent me books of encouragement ( I should have got the hint then).
My positive journey has been... difficult. I am not a negative person as such, it is just very easy to let the actions of other affect you and make you feel like you are inferior or unintelligent. I have always been someone who has taken to heart, the words, actions or in some cases inaction of others. Those who know me (and I mean KNOW me well), know that I spend a disproportionate amount of time doing things to make others happy, worrying about what others think and giving. I don't have any regrets about my life, about decisions I've made, about things that have or have not happened.
I have, however made some decisions (after much reflection):
1. I am not going to be able to just switch off and become another person. I need to take small steps at a time. Forgive myself for slip ups and learn from them, allowing them to make me stronger.
2. I will only allow people to treat me the way my parents do. I figure that if two people that have shaped who I am today, treat me with respect, kindness and love, then noone else has the right to treat me any differently.
3. I am going to emotionally distance myself from people who make me feel less of a person or inferior.
4. I am not going to allow people to dictate the way that I raise my children or tell me that I am doing something wrong. I am not perfect, I have never raised children before, but I want to have happy, confident, kind, respectful and helpful children and THAT is how I will be raising them. Whether an action or inaction is perceived as wrong.
5. I will not compromise my values or beliefs just because people attempt to bully me into agreeing with them.
6. I will not be disresepectful, unkind or hateful, even if other are being so to me. I will just refer to Decision 3.
7. I will forgive people for their actions but I will not forget them. If they compromise who I am then I will again refer to Decision 3.
8. I will stand up for myself without compromising my value and belief system or Decision 6.
9. Probably the most important, I will not allow people to treat my husband or children in a way that I wouldn't treat them. They are the most important people in the world to me and while I cannot wrap them in bubble wrap, I will not allow them to love themselves any less than I do.
10. I will continue to work hard on my "mindset" journey.
These decisions have been about 15 years in the making. I finally have the guts (1/3 way into my life) to implement them. I know that these decisions seem like something that in life you should already be doing but to avoid conflict, to keep the peace and because it is against my nature (and WAY out of my comfort zone) I have compromised who I am, in so many different circumstances, simply, the time has come.
Miss B, Mrs B and Mrs F have been my inspiration for this. They are the strongest women I know. Yes, they have been kicked in the guts and we have shared many tears and lots of laughter but I am very fortunate to have amazing role models and friends. I surround myself with these incredibly strong in character women and I should have made this decision a long time ago. Mrs B, even sent me books of encouragement ( I should have got the hint then).
Monday, 27 May 2013
What inspires you? What gets the blood in your veins pumping (bar your heart beating)?
My little girls inspire me.
Miss 2.5 is full of energy and creativity and cheeky boundary pushing character. She loves noise and any activity that involves dancing and music. She asks to do "paintin' and "swing". She loves to get mummy's cleaning products when mummy has her back turned, sneak off to one of the rooms and let loose spraying and wiping to her hearts content. She pushes her gorgeous and well loved retro couch up to the sink where she turns on the tap and "washing" (washes dishes). The best of all, she dotes on her little sister, playing chasing (with a child who is only JUST walking) and giving her cups of tea.
Miss 1, is timid, loving, playful and curious. Loud noises startle her and upset her, yet she will happily join in on the dancing as long as it is a song she likes. She follows Miss 2.5 around hoping that at some point Miss 2.5 will play a game with her. As soon as the sliding door is open she makes a run for it, just to get outside in the sunshine. She picks a toy and spends the entire day walking around with it or playing with it. Whenever she hears Peppa Pig theme or In The Night Garden theme she zones out and if she could run she makes a beeline for the tv.
Obviously, I think that both my girls are very pretty little girls. They are both slim and tall for their ages with petite features. They already display very different personalities and traits. Miss 2.5 is my "mini adult", who has NO fear (that is going to cause a few sleepless nights) whereas Miss 1 is timid and loves company and being close by. In every way I love them both, so very much and I love their differences.
It is because of my two darlings, that I really found a love for sewing, knitting and all things pretty. I always liked (and could) sew, knitting I had very little patience for and making pretty things became a new fascination for me. I found when I had children that the thing that I craved the most was having my own home. Something that I could decorate myself. Make my home and make a home for the children.
That is what drives me, not only to do my furniture upcycling but also my sewing and knitting (I'm not up to yarn bombing anything just yet, I would need to be much quicker knitter than I am right now).
Being a lovely sunny Tuesday and reflecting on the things that inspire me, I am going to share some of these with you. I hope that some of you find inspiration in the prettiness of life.
I really want to credit relevant people for their pictures but the images are so old (well at least 12 months) that I cannot find where they link back to. Enjoy these images and if anyone can pin point where they come from please let me know so that I can attribute credit where credit is due...
Have a beautiful Tuesday all...
Keep smiling!
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Changing Mindsets
Do you ever find yourself drawing on all the negative around you and feeling the smae way yourself? I do. I am a nearly 30, mother of two, who STILL finds herself trying to please people around her. Someone who is always worried about other peoples welfare, neglecting her own. Why? I think that I have always been that way. I am not saying that having empathy and considering others welfare is a bad thing, but I do think that when it results in you comprimising your own standards then there is a problem.
I don't know about you all but I like being happy. I like feeling successful. I like feeling loved and I like making others feel cared about.
I think that it is about changing your mindset or attitude. If you are negative or have a bad attitude you are going to attract negativity. If you are positive or have a good attitude then you will generate positivity and the negativity wont affect you. There are three people who spring to mind when I think of positivity and good attitude and great mindsets (I am going to name)...
Miss Suzie - Suzie has the most amazing attitude. She is smiling all the time. She is positive. She is confident and she makes you feel the same way (even if it is only when she is around). She is beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside and people are drawn to her.
Miss Tahlia - Tahlia exudes positive. She is like a little energiser bunny. She is fantastically encouraging and happy and has the ability to face adversity and go "ok, it happened... what is the good?" I trained with Tahlia after Miss 2.5 and before Miss 0.9 and she made me feel like I can achieve anything.
Miss Lorna Jane - now I don't know this woman personally but she has built an entire empire out of positive thinking and healthy life and healthy thoughts. Particularly where I live, everyone lives in Lorna Jane clothing. You walk along a track (with the pram) and a pretty, fit, smiling blonde jogs past and her tshirt reads "you can do it", you might pass 50 people like this and as you are walking along you read these slogans and you think about it and you feel encouraged by it so you push a little harder.
I find that whilst social media is good for some things - it can also be so filled with negativity and in some cases hate. I get that people have things happen in their lives and they feel like it always happens to them. That they always get the raw end of the deal. My question is... if everyone spent 5 minutes a day thinking of all the great things that they have achieved. If everyone said "I can do it" not "can I do it" then would it change the self esteem, attitude and mindset?
SO I have decided that I have spent so much time encouraging others, it is time to encourage myself. I am not going to reinvent the wheel. There are some amazing people out there. I am going to reinvent me.
For some of you this will be familiar (I succeeded for a while). I am going to spend 12 months celebrating the positive and living a positive mindset. Will I succeed? HELL YEAH!!! This will go for 12 months and my plan is that at the end of the 12 months it will be a permanent change.
I am doing this for me but I am also doing this for my beautiful children so that I can teach them to have positive attitudes and a positive self esteem.
Those who feel inspired on this Monday morning, join me in my quest to celebrate the life that we have been blessed with.
Keep smiling
I don't know about you all but I like being happy. I like feeling successful. I like feeling loved and I like making others feel cared about.
I think that it is about changing your mindset or attitude. If you are negative or have a bad attitude you are going to attract negativity. If you are positive or have a good attitude then you will generate positivity and the negativity wont affect you. There are three people who spring to mind when I think of positivity and good attitude and great mindsets (I am going to name)...
Miss Suzie - Suzie has the most amazing attitude. She is smiling all the time. She is positive. She is confident and she makes you feel the same way (even if it is only when she is around). She is beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside and people are drawn to her.
Miss Tahlia - Tahlia exudes positive. She is like a little energiser bunny. She is fantastically encouraging and happy and has the ability to face adversity and go "ok, it happened... what is the good?" I trained with Tahlia after Miss 2.5 and before Miss 0.9 and she made me feel like I can achieve anything.
Miss Lorna Jane - now I don't know this woman personally but she has built an entire empire out of positive thinking and healthy life and healthy thoughts. Particularly where I live, everyone lives in Lorna Jane clothing. You walk along a track (with the pram) and a pretty, fit, smiling blonde jogs past and her tshirt reads "you can do it", you might pass 50 people like this and as you are walking along you read these slogans and you think about it and you feel encouraged by it so you push a little harder.
I find that whilst social media is good for some things - it can also be so filled with negativity and in some cases hate. I get that people have things happen in their lives and they feel like it always happens to them. That they always get the raw end of the deal. My question is... if everyone spent 5 minutes a day thinking of all the great things that they have achieved. If everyone said "I can do it" not "can I do it" then would it change the self esteem, attitude and mindset?
SO I have decided that I have spent so much time encouraging others, it is time to encourage myself. I am not going to reinvent the wheel. There are some amazing people out there. I am going to reinvent me.
For some of you this will be familiar (I succeeded for a while). I am going to spend 12 months celebrating the positive and living a positive mindset. Will I succeed? HELL YEAH!!! This will go for 12 months and my plan is that at the end of the 12 months it will be a permanent change.
I am doing this for me but I am also doing this for my beautiful children so that I can teach them to have positive attitudes and a positive self esteem.
Those who feel inspired on this Monday morning, join me in my quest to celebrate the life that we have been blessed with.
Keep smiling
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Up and Coming
The last few weeks things have been hectic to say the least.
B and I had some sadness
I am so looking forward to sharing the birthday blog and also all the amazing projects I have "in progress"
Wishing you all a beautiful Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Keep smiling
B and I had some sadness
We were the third car on the scene. The next day I left a white carnation on the side of the road in honour of John. Certainly not a man I will forget in a hurry. Such tragic circumstances.
B and I have had some joy with the birth of our georgous little niece. Miss L.
Aunty E did brilliant job with the birth of such a LITTLE CUTIE... Yes I think I hear "cluck cluck cluck"... ;-)
I have been shopping with old friends (or should I say established friends, Mrs F)
How nice was it to get out and about, without children, even if only for a few hours. Even if we did end up shopping for the men in our lives ;-)
I have had amazing tea and desserts with new friends. Thank you Ms J.
Ms J is a very talented lady with the same ecclectic taste in things that I do. Have been loving her blog The Sea and Me Change. Photo courtesy of Ms J. HOW CUTE ARE THE PAVLOVA'S???? IN TEACUPS!!!!
I have been snuggling with Miss 0.9 (not long now!!!!)
I love my 1:1 time just before Miss 0.9 goes to bed of an evening. She has just started taking off with the walking so now that she can do something new and exciting, being able to contain her long enough for a cuddle is far and few between. When I had Miss 0.9, I had expressed concern about not having 1:1 time with her, having a toddler as well. Mum said that when she had my sister, Miss G, she used to love the hours through the evening and the cuddles she would get overnight. She made the most of that time. I took that advice and do the same thing. The overnight feeds became the time that I would snuggle and look at her. Just as I would have at any time with Miss 2.5.
I have also been researching food for Miss 0.9's birthday. Can you guess what the theme might be?
I have so many wonderful ideas. Wait until you see my next blog post. Miss 2.5's second birthday. I had fun with that.
You should take a look at this website Repeat Crafter Me. Some cuteness there for sure.
Now this blog hasn't been very, well, juicy. BUT I leave you with some teasers of some pending upcycles that I have in store, that I WILL share as soon as they are complete...
I am so looking forward to sharing the birthday blog and also all the amazing projects I have "in progress"
Wishing you all a beautiful Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Keep smiling
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